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Wisdom for a New Age

Danny welcomed all to Q this morning with the story of Lieutenant Onoda, a Japanese soldier who continued to fight in the jungle 29 years after World War 2 was over because he did not believe the news could be true.

"Who had I been fighting for? What was the cause?"

Reflecting on this story, Danny asks if we too might be fighting battles that are no longer necessary.

This short clip from Hamilton introduces the idea that authority and power may change hands, perhaps after a passionate fight for freedom. Are we ready for what comes next?

Jenny uses the idea of generations - from Baby Boomers to Gen Z - to explore ways in which society has changed and is changing, and wonders what this may require church, locally and globally, to consider in its ‘what comes next’.

In this clip, Patch Adams speaks to the truth that what is in authority should not necessarily be an authority when it comes to how we approach treating others.

Jenny closes by applying her ideas to how we might view one another, cross generationally, to honour those whose wisdom resonates with our own, as well as those who challenge our current way of thinking.

For this talk, Jenny drew inspiration from a message first shared September 2017. Listen to this talk here

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