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There's nothing like the smell of toast in the morning and this week at Q we made toast, ate toast, discovered the origins of toasts and raised a toast!

Is there still value in shared rituals? This is a question we've been considering at Q in recent times following Rob's message "All Shook Up!"

In this song, Jason Mraz invites us to "Look for the good in everyone."

Danny shared how, in a world where news and media often remind us of everything that's wrong with the world, and marketing offers happiness at a price, he's been reminded of the importance of gratitude and appreciation. After all, as this comedy sketch from Saturday Night Live explains, the promise of a product doesn't always deliver the happiness we expect.

Have you ever wondered what raising a toast has to do with toast?!

Well, it is thought that the Romans used to put spiced or charred bread in their goblet as the carbon in the toast supposedly removes the bitterness from the wine. Jason Mraz's sings "Everyone is carrying around some kind of pain" and so this morning, in a shared ritual to bring some balance to the bitterness of life, we raised toasts around our tables to the people we appreciate, the memories we treasure and the things we are grateful for.

So, what will you toast today?

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