Last week at Our House we spoke about how as human beings we have an inbuilt Negativity Bias and have a natural tendency to lean towards negativity so our purpose in getting together each week is to get a dose of positivity so that we go out of the doors with a little more of a spring in our step, better equipped to use the freedom that we have to love one another and live a fantastic life. Welcome to Our House!
One of our favourite sayings here is "There's no Q Without You!" because as our phonics teacher Ruth taught us, you rarely see a Q without a u and likewise, there really is no QChurch without you! This week Jenny Byrne shared her experience of lockdown and what she's learnt over the past few months.
We really do have some talented people as part of our community and Joel and Connie gave us a great rendition of Stand from the musical Smash.
In our search for freedom it's easy to use that freedom in a way which leads us to losing it again! The old prisoner from The Hunchback of Notre Dame gives as a beautiful visual example of this in action!

Anth's talk this week is entitled The Chains of Freedom, exploring how we can best use the freedom we have.

We wrapped up a great afternoon with a song that reminds us that we can use our freedom in the storms of life to be the best of ourselves because one thing that we know for sure...the storm will end!
What questions has this raised for you? We'd love to hear from you!