Today we invited some of our Q-munity to share what's inspired them at Q over the past few weeks. If you've been inspired by our content recently we'd love to hear from you too! Send us an email to or leave a comment at the bottom of the page and let us know what's been important for you!
We've had some great content at Q over the past 6 weeks as we've used contemporary parables from movies to explore relevant themes. As these birds demonstrate, we are wanting to inspire each other to live free!

Chris reflects that on celebrating 30 years of leading the church, Anth noted that 30 years has always been significant for us as the beginning of something new.
"I can feel a new beginning and the next chapter opening up before us!"
We were born to live free and to overcome the obstacles that life brings our way...
Working in a prison, Beth is familiar with the power of freedom and shares some powerful experiences of how institutions can rob us of our freedom, even when we've escaped their physical walls.
"The unspoken, subtleties of religion had crept in and I didn't even notice it. It's the unsaid stuff that can be quite scary."
In The Shawshank Redemption, Red struggled to live in the freedom that he was given when released from prison and it took a little hope and a little help from his friend to find the strength to truly live freely.
The key to Red finding his freedom was found in partnering with his friend, Andy. This inspired Jenny to realise that we all need other people to partner with, follow, lead and be led by.
"We sometimes try to be independent to avoid vulnerability. We can't do life on our own."
Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."
Danny spoke about how Anth's comments on Christ being revealed IN us rather than TO us had reminded him that what we're seeking for in life is not out there somewhere, waiting to be found, but is within us, waiting to be revealed, if we'll only remove the layers of accumulated junk beliefs and fears that stop us being truly free.
"The Kingdom of Heaven is not out there, it's within you!"
Using footage from The Truman Show and clips of Anth's message last week, we created a powerful visual piece to inspire us to continue our quest for truth and freedom and to continue to join the dots.
Taken from the movie Frozen 2, this next song resonated with Danny and his journey between who he has been and who he wants to be and how, after letting go of some of our certainty, we can be left feeling we have 'nothing' in the space in between. All we can do at these times is...the next right thing.
Many ask us what Q believes, which can be hard to define as we are a diverse community that are all on a journey of evolving understanding. Is it possible that we've locked God in a box of our own definitions of the divine? Watch and be inspired as Chris reveals how this single syllable "Om" might just be the sound of Q!
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