Over the past two months at Q we've had six different people bringing a diverse range of messages. This morning we reflected on what we've heard over these weeks and how it might help us live more fully.
The movie The Calendar Girls tells the story of a group of Yorkshire women who seek council approval from the Women's Institute for a bold idea. Jenny refers to a talk in which this video was used previously. Follow this link for the blog: What's the Matter with Matter
Whilst The Calendar Girls were excited about their daring initiative, they met some resistance when presenting the idea to the council of the Women's Institute.
Jenny explains how we too can often resist unconventional ideas and how a life of faith requires us to dare to break the mould, with or without "council approval".
What do you think God is like?
In this clip from one of his Nooma videos, Rob Bell asks some thought-provoking questions and offers an idea of what he thinks God is like.
Reflecting on this video and other recent talks, Danny explains how the strings on a guitar might help us understand the important role of tension in our connections.
This is the original version of the song Danny then sang, in which the artist, Jason Mraz, presents the idea of a someone who is "Everything and everywhere..."
"Can you see me in your own reflection? I'm deep within the molecules of the air that you breath and all the sub-atomic, supersonic spaces in between. I'm everywhere!"
Clare wraps up this morning with this slide that summarises each of the previous seven weeks in a few words.

Clare explains that the essence of Q is our quest for authenticity, asking questions, being curious and not settling in static beliefs.
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