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Hiding in Plain Sight

The expression ‘hiding in plain sight’ is used to convey how something that appears to be hidden may, in truth, be very easy to see or find. Jenny uses chameleons, closets and the banking crisis to explore the ways people may hide themselves.

We began this morning with the news that one of our treasured members of Q has passed away this week. John will be greatly missed.

This song was one of John's favourites that we sing at Q.

"In death, in life, I'm confident and covered by the power of your great love."

The chameleon has mastered the art of hiding in plain sight.

We learn how to blend in, to avoid the misstep and the subsequent tumbleweed moment, to keep our place by the fire. We may even excel at adapting, but at what cost?

Chandler lives in Monica’s apartment and yet has never seen what’s behind a particular door. One day, his curiosity sets him on a course to uncover the truth.

We too may keep some things to ourselves and yet often these play out in plain sight anyway, behind our closed doors and our assertions that ‘there’s nothing to see here’.

Jesus revealed what God is like by entering the homes of people who had openly messy cupboards. Richard Rohr proposes something wonderful about his take on how the divine plays out:

The next song captures some of the essence of 'becoming' that makes this possible.

Humans often have a tendency to want to control what is seen and where there is power involved, we all know what happens… even when we would prefer not to see it.

The film The Big Short highlights what was happening in plain sight that few saw, except a handful of people who looked.

We sometimes need to look differently to see the message, as in this picture where the figures become the word ‘Obey’.

Jenny uses 3 examples of where the idiom ‘hide in plain sight’ is used and applies these to our lives.

The opening to Psalm 139 reminders us that we can be in life and death, in darkness and light, feeling present and feeling far away. And yet, beyond our understanding, is something truly remarkable at work.

May we see.

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