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Centred, Salty and Waking Up

This morning we had a variety of voices from Q sharing what's inspired them recently.

Beth told us about a variety of contexts in which alternative views aren't always welcome and how she appreciates the importance of an inclusive community.

Kev created this video in 2016 as an expression of our values at the time and comments on how, whilst much of it may still resonate with us, it's important that we don't get stuck in fixed beliefs and are willing to grow and embrace new ideas.

As a Dad of two boys, Kev talks about how he's familiar with being woken up and this morning explores what spiritual awakening might be, why it's important and what it takes to wake us up.

Follow this link to explore Kev's slides and references:

"If I fall asleep I know you'll be the one to always remind me to live in the moment."

Inspired by the phrase The Salt of The Earth, Kelly explores the significance of salt and how it might help us live more fully.

"We have the power to make a wave when we move together as one...we are the ocean."

Referring to a podcast he'd heard from Rob Bell, called 13 Robs ago, Danny asks whether there are previous versions of ourselves that we've left behind and how it may require the expiration of the current version of ourselves in order to breathe in some new inspiration and become a new version of ourselves.

"The end of me is not the enemy, it's where love was always leading me."

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