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All Shook Up

This morning at Q we took inspiration from Elvis Presley, Sigmund Freud, Peter Rollins and Dietrich Bonhoeffer as Rob led us in considering which elements of religion might be beneficial and which might need to be reframed or removed.

We begin with The End of Me...

"The end of me is not the enemy, it's where love was always leading me."

Joel shares honestly about a recent realisation he's had about the fear of death.

Rob shares a story of how Elvis Presley inspired a hilarious meeting...

As we seek to explore the nature of our quest, we may find ourselves with suspicious minds...

Rob shares the metaphor of a Nanoblock church building he attempted to build out of tiny bricks and how it provides a challenging metaphor for us as we question our beliefs - Which blocks are important to keep and which do we no longer need?

Having read the thoughts of three popular Atheist thinkers known as The Masters of Suspicion. Rob proposes what we might learn from their religious critiques and the lingering questions of relevance they each offer.

Exploring the concept of Religionless Christianity, a theory conceived by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Rob asks whether getting rid of religion means embracing the dark void of godlessness, or whether there's something better.

Elvis Presley sings about a candle that burns brighter in the darkness in his hit song If I can dream.

Rob invites us to consider whether the rituals, community and traditions of religion may still have something to offer in adding meaning, value and expressions in our lives.

As Joel mentioned in his welcome, this song carries the spirit and sound of the quest we're on at Q...

"It's progress, not perfection, not arrival, it's direction, it's the living and the learning, not the finish-line but the journey."

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