Life is complicated and we all have moments that we might wish had panned out differently. Joel opens the morning by sharing how the Richard Rohr book Falling Upward introduces the concept of the two halves of life and speaks about how this helped him in a particularly turbulent season of life.
As a community at Q, we want to help each other navigate this second half of life.
In this video, New Yorkers are invited to consider their biggest regret.
We all have regrets and Clare introduces the 4 Core Regrets from Daniel H Pink's research. She considers how regrets can stop our progress and invites us in a discussion time to lean into our own regrets and what they evoke in us.
Here's the slide Clare showed with the 4 core regrets and the question we discussed:

Author Bonnie Ware shares what she's learnt from her experiences of caring for end-of-life patients.
Clare helps us ask what we can learn from the Bronnie Ware book, The Top 5 Regrets of The Dying and how to live life more courageously. Clare encourages us to reconcile our regrets and allow them to show us what we value.

"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now."
In our second discussion, we consider the following questions...

Having considered their regrets, these New Yorkers consider what a clean slate might feel like...
Clare explores what a clean slate might mean for us and introduces what photographers call The Sweet Light and how it offers us a powerful metaphor of the complex lives we live.
Clare mentions a talk by Joel and Hannah called Our Inseverable Bond. You can find that here.
"You are here to be the light, bringing out the God-colours in the world."
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